Not only are area rugs beautiful but they are functional too!!
A really good reason to decorate with area rugs is the benefit of sound echoing. When you place a rug in a room it helps to distribute the sound around the room better, lessening the echoing.
A rug can add color and style to a room with little to no effort. It gives your room a focal point to start decorating from.
Always buy the best quality rug you can, better quality wool rugs will take wear well and will even look better with time. You can really tell a great quality rug just by looking and feeling it.
When you decide to decorate a room, You might ask your self a couple of questions,
Where do I start?
Should the rug be the first or last thing I buy when decorating this room?
These are good questions.
I personally think you should always start with the rug... The rug allows you something to build off, it has color and style which will make it easier to finish decorating.
Take a few colors that are in the rug, add a picture for the wall and a vase of flowers on a table and you are on your way to a better looking room.
I think it would be harder to find a rug to fit into an already decorated room.
By picking the rug first you will save a ton time and energy and STRESS!!
Choosing the size of a rug is pretty important, some say layer rugs for added color and texture. Other's say choose a rug that is two feet shorter than the smallest wall in the room. I feel like less is more, though too small would be unattractive as well.
I really like clean lines so because of that I'm not crazy about the layered look. I would personally stick with the two feet shorter rule of thumb. I think that creates a better look.
If you choose a rug that is too small your room will look smaller. In a living room it is nice if your rug is large enough to have the front legs of the furniture on it.
In a bedroom you want to step your feet onto it the first thing in the morning. If the rug sticks out beyond the bed two feet you are sure to step on it every time you get out of bed.
Be careful of doorways, when you open the door you really want to keep the opening bare so the rug doesn't get caught up on the door.
Hall rugs should have a least six inches of floor showing on all sides.
The biggest thing to look for in that special rug is WOW factor. I feel like when you walk into a room decorated with an area rug, the rug should be the main focal point. When you see it, you should go "WOW" every time you walk in the room!! Make sure it is a design you will enjoy for years to come.
We used these easy steps and tips to create a beautiful room....:)
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